Vice - The Versatile Commodore Emulator is an excellent emulator, it emulates the C64 graphics and sound well, but its the 1541 emulation where it excels, it will load all the Telarium games like Nine Princes in Amber which can cause problems on other emulators. The DOS version is more difficult to use than CCS 64 due to a more complicated interface - but the windows version does not have this problem. This is a recommended emulator and one that you should have installed on your system. Due to its astonishing versatility, it will also emulate the Commodore 128, Plus/4, PET and Vic 20, so you can load and run software for these systems as well. The inclusion of C128 emulation is a master-stroke, it will run the classic C128 only Infocom adventures, like Trinity, perfectly. Download: WinVice 1.22 (windows) (Windows 98/ME/2000/XP) or Vice 1.22 (dos) (Dos, Win 95/98) Download: MacVice 1.22 (apple mac) (MAC OS X 10.3+) Web Page: The VICE - C64, C128, Plus/4, Vic 20 and PET Emulator Home Page The text excerpt below is taken from the viceteam.org website, the home of VICE: VICE is the one and only Versatile Commodore Emulator. It provides emulation of the Commodore 64, C128, VIC20, PET, PLUS4 and CBM-II computers within a single package. The emulators run as separate programs, but have the same user interface, share the same settings and support the same file formats. Important notice: If you have no idea what a Commodore 8-bit computer is, or have questions about how these machines are used, how the file formats work or anything else that is not strictly related to VICE, you should read the appropriate FAQs first, as that kind of information is not available here. In the main category of the games database you will find C64 game content for use with the VICE emulator. If you would like to comment on this emulator then please use the comment/rating feature available, or talk about it in the discussion forum. |