Stationfall (cover) by Infocom
Published: 1987, Infocom
Steve Meretzky

Difficulty Level: Advanced

What a trotting krip! Since your incredible heroics in Planetfall, where you risked life and limb to save the planet Resida, things have hardly changed at all. Sure, you were promoted to Lieutenant First Class, but this only meant that your dull life of cleaning grotch cages was replaced by an equally dull life of paperwork. Now you've got another assignment tailor-made for a grotchbrain: pilot a spacetruck to a nearby station to pick up a load of trivial forms. Trot and double trot! But all is not lost. By a happy twist of fate, your companion for the journey is your old pal Floyd! That's right, it's the same mischievous little robot, crayons and paddleball at the ready, who was your helpful buddy in Planetfall.

Stationfall was Infocom's 26th game (and was the sequel to Planetfall). It was written by Steve Meretzky, the author of Planetfall, Sorcerer, A Mind Forever Voyaging, Leather Goddesses of Phobos, and co-author of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (phew!).

After your heroics in PLANETFALL you were promoted from Ensign Seventh-Class to Lieutenaut First-Class! However, instead of boring toilet cleaning chores, you now have boring paper filling chores! You hope something exciting happens before you are turned into another bureaucrat...

Stationfall (game) by Infocom

For more information about the Infocom text adventure game Stationfall, please view the Infocom category in the C64 games database or visit the external links to other Infocom related content at the end of this article.

References to Infocom on the internet may also be found under the software company Activision, which bought Infocom in 1986.

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The text excerpt in italics below the credit information is taken from the cover of the game and ©Copyright 1987 Infocom.

Thank you to the following websites, which were used for sourcing some images, that appear in this article:
The Infocom Gallery.