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Pitfall II

Julian Rignall

Worked for Zzap!64 magazine in the early 80's writing articles for the Commodore 64.

This Author is no longer active in the Commodore scene but an Author account has been setup so that any articles by this author that are reproduced from Zzap!64 magazine and published on The Commodore Zone are creditted to this original author. 

 Articles by this Author

The Pet Person Interview

Following on from last month's exclusive review of Pet Person we now present an interview with Pet Person creator, DAVID CRANE. Quite unusual really, because David prefers to stay away from the limelight and the computer press in general. JULIAN RIGNALL, never one to turn down an opportunity to use the phone, rigged up a tape recorder and dialled the USA. It was 5.30 in the afternoon, and Julian was thinking of home. David, on the other hand, had not long arrived at work. It was 9.30am over in the States...