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Rob Hubbard

Rob Hubbard

I think it would be impossible to write an article that could over emphasise just how inspirational Rob Hubbard was to computer music. Before Rob Hubbard, most game music was a series of pitiful beeps and bleeps! Simply put there was no one prepared for what Mr. Hubbard was to bring to the Commodore 64 game scene.

Profile - The Master Of Micro Music

IT'S NOT original to remark upon a similarity between the world of top games programmers and the world of pop music - both with their charts, their overnight success stories, and their sudden failures. But the particular case of Rob Hubbard fits the cliche better than most. Uniquely amongst UK programmers, he has made his name, not through writing the next big thing in platform/arcade/adventures, but in writing the music accompanying them. And what music it is: on bestsellers like Gremlin's Monty on the Run, on Commando from Elite, or Martech's Crazy Comets, the 64's poor little 3-voice SID chip suddently brings forth great-sounding 5 or 6-part, original music, doing things you never thought it could.


Rarely rising before midday, C+VG jet-setter JIM DOUGLAS broke the habits of a lifetime and headed for parts unknown... Newcastle. Why? To discover the secrets of a man, a micro and his music.

I stood alone on the platform, which was shrouded in mist. I blinked away the dawn and boarded the train. I had all the necessary equipment. Notebook, tape-recorder and Geordie phrase book.