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C64 Game

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C64 Game - Yie Ar Kung Fu
The Commodore Zone's C64-Game Database currently features around 1050 Commodore 64 games. The database engine that The Commodore Zone has chosen is fast, powerful and versatile and has been customised for use on The Commodore Zone.

Each game entry can include information on the Publisher, Programmer, Musician, Genre, Game Options and Media. Additional information for magazine and user reviews can be added. As a standard feature each game entry contains the Zzap! 64 review rating.

Every game in the database can be voted and rated by visitors - a running total of the number of votes each game has received is displayed on each game entry, along with the current rating. The rating system uses a 1.0 to 11.0 scale which is converted into a percentage, from 0% to 100%.

Useful hyperlinks are provided for TCZ's game and music databases and websites that provide cheat or hints or if a retro remake is available. If a Publisher, Programmer or Musician has featured in our Legends of the C64 article series or on Wikipedia then a link will appear below their name.

For your benefit and to make the games database as searchable and accessible as possible, 'keywords' are listed below each game entry, just click on the keyword to search the entire database for any games containing that word.

For example if you were viewing a game that had a Rob Hubbard soundtrack and you wanted to quickly find all games in the database that had music by Rob Hubbard, just click on the keyword, and the games will be listed.

Keywords are powerful and useful, they were trialled on the original C64-Games Database released Christmas Eve 2006 and have proven extremely popular. In this new incarnation of the database we have taken them one step further, and additional words are now supported for magazine information. These can be expanded further upon request.


1987, Reaktör Software (Ariolasoft)

TCZ will expand and improve the database over the coming months and years, based on suggestions and comments from visitors, to hopefully provide a useful and alternative resource to what is currently available. The C64-Game Database will include links to the C64-Image and C64-Review databases as soon as they appear online. As always, any feedback is welcome and appreciated. Please use the Contact Us form available from the website menu to send us any suggestions or comments.

The C64-Game Database statistics are below, which provide useful information about the highest rated, most voted and most viewed games in the database, along with other general stats.

BARD'S TALE - THE TALES OF THE UNKNOWN1988, Electronic Arts (Interplay Product89%
BOMB JACK1986, Elite89%
BUBBLE BOBBLE1987, Firebird89%
BUGGY BOY1987, Elite89%
BURNIN' RUBBER1983, Colosoftware89%

ELITE1985, Firebird29
LAST NINJA II1988, System 328
M.U.L.E1983, Electronic Arts (Ozark Softscape)26
RAGS TO RICHES1986, Melody Hall Publishing Corp25

PITFALL II - LOST CAVERNS1984, Activision45464
RAGS TO RICHES1986, Melody Hall Publishing Corp18921
HENRY'S HOUSE1984, English Software16866
FOOTBALL MANAGER1984, Addictive Games16814
BLADE RUNNER1985, CRL (Computer Rentals Limited)12698

Total number of games in database: 1057

Total number of votes: 1305
Total number of comments: 190
Total number of game views: 4790948
Total number of games viewed by category: 7369567

Total number of games with votes: 456
Total number of games without votes: 601
Total number of games with comments: 190
Total number of games without comments: 867