1983 1984 1985

Cosmic Convoy
Cosmic Convoy

Bozo's Night Out
Bozos Night Out

Super Pipeline II
Super Pipeline II




Cad Cam Warrior
Cad Cam Warrior

Super Pipeline
Super Pipeline

Poster Paster
Poster Paster

Souls Of Darkon
Souls of Darkon

Seaside Special
Seaside Special

A number of articles about Taskset that appeared in Commodore 64 magazines are available in the
Legends of the C64 - Taskset category:

Taskset In Profile by Bohdan Buciak, which appeared in Commodore User.
Is The Force With Taskset's Skywalker? by Chris Jenkins, which appeared in Commodore Horizons
The Biggest Game In The World by Tony Takoushi, which appeared in Big K.
These articles contain some rare photos of the Taskset team.

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This article differs from the original article published on the old Commodore Zone website. The After Taskset section has been changed to Divided We Fall... and additional text has been added. Also the paragraph on Cosmic Convoy in the Introduction has been amended to mention the interrupt driven sound.